Saturday 24 October 2009

The Spiral.

John? Are you here?

Marie, up here.

People are worried about you. Where have you been?

I've been busy. Sorry, too busy to let you know it seems.

What have you been doing?

Just working.

At the office?

No. Personal project.

Redecoration? I see you've done ...something, to the floor.

The mosaic? Do you like it?

It's nice. I like the shape and the images.

Thank you. It's my own design.

I didn't see you as the type.

For mosaic?

For... anything artistic really.

Good to know, haha.

So is it just this? Or is there anything else?

Just some aethetic changes in the apartment.

I see.

You sound pensive.

No, I just... We're worried.

You said.

It's been two weeks. The office thought you were really sick, they called Mike.

Then why did you ask if I was at the office?

Just... You dropped off of the face of the earth.

That was kinda the intention - I wanted to be uninterrupted. Only person who has actually seen me up until now was the kid from the chinese down the street.

What's so important that you couldn't have told us?

...Come up. I'll show you.



...What is all this?

It's... complicated. This is something a lot older than any of us.

What does that mean?

I can't begin to explain. So... I'll show you. Stand back.


Ok... You built a spot light.

Just wait.


What is that?!

That, Marie, Is a ghost.

...They don't exist.

Then what's that?

They can't exist.

Suspend your disbelief for a second.

This is some kind of trick.

No, it isn't. See the window above?

It's like the mosaic. The seashell pattern.

This is a ghost engine.


It can make ghosts visible, as long as they stay in the light. And it's warm to them, unlike anything else - so they don't want to leave.

That doesn't hurt them?

No. They're happy.


But it's not finished.

How? This looks pretty complete.

For one, the light is wrong - it's meant to be the whole spiral of the lens, not just the centre - I need to as a prism or something.

So there could be more ghosts?

Exactly. Then there's the more serious problem.

What's that?

This is a beacon. To ghosts and other things.

Other things?

Demons. They can cause a lot of chaos.

Wait, so you can summon the devil?!

No - A devil. Demons are creatures of chaos - they do evil but that's normal to them, and evil to us. It's semantics.

So you have demons running around your house?

No, just here. See the seals around the room?

The circles on the wall? The red paint?

Yes. They keep them in. They can get back when the light goes on.

This is a huge discovery!

Yes... The prisms are ready to go up.

You could do so much work with this!

Theres a problem though...

You could find a way to summon family members to people! Make a profit!

If the light is bigger - bigger... things, can get up here.

This could be a whole new business for you! For us!!

So I need to reinforce the seals. Make them bigger, more powerful.

...What are you saying, sorry - I was just thinking out loud.

No. I'm sorry. Love you...




...Sorry, Marie. But I need more paint. The spiral needs more power.


Ha. What am I saying? Dead men tell no-


...Marie. I must have forgotten to turn off the light. This must be awkward, I know it is to me.


Why are you pointing?

*Vree... ee... ee...*

Hm. Lucky I have surge protection for this kind of activity. You'll get used to it eventually. Hell, I could even get you out of the room at some point, there are ways over the seals.


Ouch! What the?!


Oh... I see. Lucky I'm reinforcing the seals. Your little friends wont be able to-


Ah! fucker! Gonna have to do something about this. This isn't very positive behaviour!


Agh! Jesus christ!


Stop it!!


Huuuurgh... Please.






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