Friday 30 October 2009

Making up for lost time. Sinner 66 heads for home.

This place never changes.

Been here all my life. Nothing has ever changed.

No new shops, banks, cafes or even new machines in the arcade.

And nothing has ever shut either.

Everyone just seems to get along fine.

I can't deny that they might be going through the motions.

But then, I wouldn't know if they'd ever haven't, if you see what I mean.

I need to get out of here.

"Harman", I say to myself, "You need to get out of this hole before the walls fall in and you're running the Texmax station.".


Then again. Weird things happen here. And I'm the only one who notices.

Rats stand upright and talk in the alleyways. They talk like we do, about inconsequential things, to them at least. Pleasentries and small talk. "How's the wife, Stephen?", "Fine, Morris. How's Hattie and the kids?". I think I must be going insane.

No other animals do this, Just the rats.

The cats just stare. Or sleep. When they stare, they look at your soul. They don't judge, I think. Feel. They just look. Some walk away, some nuzzle your leg, some hiss and spit. There's no colour or breed to it. Everyone's an individual.

The dogs are too dumb to do anything it seems. But at night... They act like wolves. Maybe that's just animal instinct magnified by 10 or... just the release from civility.

I could go on and on but... I met a man the other day.

Average height, build and features. Black and white barred shirt. Black trousers.

Wicked smile.

I'll always remember that smile. Like a shark, or... No, just a shark. only on half of his face. Sign of a guy who can't let his guard down, always prepared to do something.

I was in "Clifftop Cafe" - ironic for a place in the centre of town. It was moved at somepoint they say, but there are no records for any of it. Unsurprisingly.

He came and sat in the booth with me. My personal booth in the corner.

"Excuse me?"


"I'm sitting here."

"I know, but you're not here, you're there. Don't be greedy, that'll kill ya."

He talked like a sleazebag. That's the only way I could describe it. A sleazebag. Grifter. Con-man.

"Well, do you mind finding somewhere else to sit?"

"Yes. I do mind. I'm looking for conversation as well as a meal, and frankly, you're the most interesting looking person in here."

Ballsy. And I can't exactly say "No, I'm boring.".


"Thank you."

The waitress comes over. Kelly. I've had a crush on her since... I think since I was about 12. As puberty went into overdrive, I can't deny she'd become a focus for my lust. I remember having to eat a rotten apple for Max Derreckson, cause he had "Pictures" of her when she was about 15, like we were - She was in one of these slutty phases all girls go through. The stomach pump was worth it.

"Hey Harm."

"Kel', Hi."



"Who's your friend?"

Million dollar question.

"I'm Jerry."

"Nice to meet you, Jerry. Any friend of Harmans is a friend of mine."

"The pleasure is ALL mine".

Sleaze. I'd been doing the whole slow and steady approach for years. Like I was going to let this nutbag get into her pants.

"He'll have a green tea."

"Okay, be right back!"


"Well, that was smooth, Harman."

"Is your name really Jerry?"

"God no. I'm pretty good at thinking on my feet."

"Then who are you?"

"An everyman."

"I doubt that."

"You're right. I'm nobody."

"...I want to doubt that."

"But you can't. You A) Don't know me. Literal nobody. And B) I'm not a local. I don't know what it is with you Brits and territory. If it isn't local, it isn't safe."

He was right. He wasn't local. I hadn't noticed his American accent. Could have been Canadian, I'm not one for voices.

"So what can I call you?"

"In front of her? Jerry. But call me Jay."


"What kind of name is 'Harman'?"

"My parents were vindictive, I think."

"Does it flow?"


"With your second name?"

"Harman Croire."

"...That's... Wow."

"Go ahead, laugh. Everyone else did."

"I'm sure she didn't."

"Yep. For a little while."

"Speaking of."

Kel came over with a green tea and a black coffee for me.

"There we are guys, let me know of you want anything."

"Thanks, Kel'."

"Much obliged."


"So, you crushing on her as much as she is on you?"


"It's obvious, a blind man could see it. He could even hear the awkward silence between you."


He was right. About the awkward silence, the dead air. I didn't know she had a crush on me though. At the time.

"Want a couple of pointers?"

"What? For talking to her?"

"For scoring, genius. No need to be subtle around me."

"I don't need your help. I don't even know who the hell you are and why you're in a hole like this."

"Straight to the point. I like it."

He lay across the seat, putting his feet up.

"Look, Harmy-"

"Harman. Or Harm, if you really need to."

"Harman. The point is this. How long have you been waiting for her to fall into your arms?"


"Right. See how this has never worked?"

"I guess."

"I want you to go over there and ask her to go to the movies with you."


"It never... Well, it does hurt to try, but you'll never get anything if you don't try."

"Nothing ventured, nothing gained?"

"If you like."

"So you just want me to go over there and risk losing a great friend?"

"You didn't listen to me earlier. I said she's crushing on you too."

"How do you know?"

"I'm good with people. I just know. Call it body language or whatever, I just have the knack."

The knack. A word which inspires confidence in people. If someone says they have the knack for something, you trust them in that area. If they're a specialist, instead of a savant, you can trust them. One of the many things I learnt from "Jay".

"So, you go over there and ask her out. Don't stretch it out or you'll chicken out."

"You say this like I'm actually gonna do it."

"You are. You can't wait forever, and neither will she."

"...Alright. Say I do. What happens then?"

"That's all I can tell you. I'm not a mind reader."

"Then what are you?"

"A sin reader."


"You heard me. I can see sins on a person."

"Is that how you saw that she liked me?"

"No. I told you, I know people. Two different things."



"What do you see on me?"

"Knew that was coming."

"If you tell me, I'll go ask her out."

"Damn. That's shrewd. Alright."


"Sloth, lust, pride, greed. In that order."

"How am I-"

"You really can't argue this one."

"I'd say my lust is lower than my pride though."

"Well now it is, Mr. Humble."

"No wrath or envy?"

"You ever kill anyone?"


"There we go then."

"Why can you see sins?"

"That's a whole different kettle of fish, my friend. You have a deal to fufill."


He smiled as I got up. Big shiteating grin. Fucker. I was shitting butterflies. This was my holy grail. I was at the edge of the abyss of eternity. She turned to face me as I got up there.

"Hey, you done with the coffee?"

"Not yet. I have something I want to ask you."



"What's wrong?"

"Bit of an upset stomach. It'll pass."

"Alright... If you're sure."

"Yeah... Hm... This'll seem odd, but-"

I looked back at Jay. He looked to be on the edge of his seat.

"Look. Do you... Maybe... Wanna go out with me some time?"

My heart stopped for a second, waiting for the reply.

"..Sure. When?"

I don't remember the rest of the conversation. Just bits. I said "Really?!" at one point. Jay clapped all the while. Kelly blushed a lot, and smiled.

I was happy.

Then came the realisation.

I had nothing else in my life apart from her.

It's sad. My holy grail was nothing more than an eggcup.

I went back to the booth, and downed the coffee in one long gulp.

"So, was it everything you dreamt of?"


"And no, right?"

"You found me for a reason, didn't you?"

"Yep. On behalf of my employer. You're perfectly suited to the job he wants me to offer you."

"And what's that? A sin reader?"

"No, though you'd be with one - Me, most likely."

"Then what would I be?"

"A consultant."

"In what field?"

"This one."

He pointed out of the window.

"The town?"



"You can see things, right?"

He threw me a curveball. How did he know? I later found out. But at the time, I was like "What the fuck?!".


"Good enough. Finish your coffe and we'll head to your place. The kit should have been delivered by now."


"Drink up and say goodbye to your girlfriend."

I did and I did. The date went well. But we agreed we weren't ready for a relationship.

Told you this town never changes.

It doesn't. I have.

I work at the edge of insanity. At the edge of the Locus.

It may never change, but it's always never changing.

Order and chaos in balance.

But even then, it never changes.

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