Monday 12 October 2009

The Beat.




Feels like I'm gonna explode...

I can't... Can't end it here...

Have to move!

Get up!

Get up, you fucker!

I'm on fire!

Just need a second wind...

Just a kick...

Nnngh... Raaaargh!

There we are!

Where is he?!


* * * * *

So you dealt with out little problem?

Yeah... He's in a pool of his own blood.

I'll send Forzei to "Clean up" the mess.

He creeps me out, Boss.

If you could eat anything like a snake, people would feel the same way about you, Torrez.

Yeah, but still.

And people ARE creeped out by you anyway.

Not my fault. It's genetic.

Yeah, doesn't make it any less creepy. Normal people can't grow spines out of their body.

We ain't normal.

True, but it's the principal of the thing. You can do that, I can do this, it's the world we know and love so well. We're the dark side of the moon - the edge unseen by... Most human eyes.

...Fair enough, boss. Can't say I'd put it like that.

And how would you put it?

We're demons. Monsters.

The boogeyman? Haha. That's what I like about you, Tor - You're brutally simple.

That an insult, boss? I don't like insults...

No, an observation, a compliment. Is that a threat, Torrez?

...No. I know you as well as you know me.

Splendid. Have you made the arrangements for phase 4?

Yeah. Gonud and Erriag are ready to ship the stuff to the buyer in Harmony.

I sometimes think if what I'm doing is amoral... 


No. I love the child trade. People always need them and I'm good at getting them. Supply and demand.

I did wonder. Not like you to be that way.

Hm. Get out of here, I need to call some people.


Get the boys and girls down there moving, with Franks out of the way, we can do what we like.


* * * * *

I can feel my arms again... That's a good sign.

Boxx. He needs to die.

He dies tonight.

He's got Cassie. He's got my fucking daughter.

He, his "empire", and all of his assets are gonna burn.

He dies... Tonight.


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