Tuesday 27 October 2009

The Rose in the Darkness.

My Queen?

Armin. Come, sit by me.

Why have you summoned me?

Sit. Please.


Armin, you know that my husband, the King, is away. Out of the country.

...Yes, my lady.

His annual sojourn. His pilgrimage to the Chapel of Signs.


Do you know why he goes this year?

...He fears the Gaed. The warriors of the dawn.

Yes. But that isn't why he has gone.

Then why, my lady?

He fears I have a suitor.


Yes. He knows of our love. Our midnight passions.

Am I to die?

No. He does not yet know it is you. He suspects Abom, or Fortzheim.

But he will know?

The altar in the chapel will tell him. It is powerful magic. Ancient magic.

...We must flee.


My love?

I cannot be seen to abandon the King.

Then what are we to do?

We? It is you he will kill. Murder.

Demidra, my love. I say "We". I love you and you love me, all we experience shall be together. I won't leave you to the wolves and the guard. If you refuse to go, I must fight too.

You'll be killed. Again, ridiculous. The King has Harmain's magiks around his person - No harm can befall him.


There is another course of action.

I must know it, if we are to survive, and love forever more.

One magik dominates the other, you know this. The strong consumes the weak.

You suggest... A dark spell?

No. Just... stronger magik. I know of a spell. A spell, born from love, passion and the earth itself.

...What must be done?

From the garden, pluck a rose, in full bloom, with odd petals. This ancient charm will need both of our bloodlines to empower it.

Blood magik?!

Yes... Ancient, but not evil. Go now, I must prepare the symbols.

...As you wish, my love.




Armin. The rose?

Seventeen petals - the most I could find to hand.


My love! You are... Nude.

As you should be. Come and step into the circle.


Good. Now, the rose.


I need your hand as well. Push it into mine, the rose sealing our love.

...Aah. It-

Hush. I know, but it won't hurt for long.


Now, I need to concentrate. A'ru, Er'rion A'ru. B'ieth An Luscit Sie. Our love, never withers. I command, I know, I feel. Now, Armin - speak your wish!

...I wish to be your love, the King be damned.

And I, I wish for the power to rule by your side forever!

My love?!

Now! Take me upon this altar! Seal out love in blood and fire!

...Yes! My love, yes!

This rose... Between our bodies! An Luscit Sie, Norn Fog I'ana!

It hurts! I love you!

An I'ana! Fog Dower Bon A'ru! My love! My body! My sweat!




Ten years later.

My love?


My queen, It is Viola.

I'm sorry... Viola, your father came to me in a dream.

Your mind wanders, Mother. He is-

I know. What business have you brought me?

The Harrin wish for passage through the city.

Of course.

And the Gaed festival draws close.

Hm. I know...


Just a memory, my dear. 


With all the power in the world. I couldn't save him.


Magiks defeat Magiks. Your father... never saw him coming.

I know. We all miss him.

Yet you never shed a tear. The sign of a ruler.

Mother, please.

...With all the power we had... I had. I couldn't save him from...

The assassin, yes...

...Viola. You are a woman now. You deserve the truth.


Your father. Armin the Wise. Unifier of the tribes, slayer of the dragons, and more powerful beyond his years. He had enemies.

Obviously, Mother. The Gaed were at the beginnin-

No. Older enemies. With passion and hatred in their cold veins.

...You know who killed him.

...Yes. Rosem.

Who is Rosem?

...The King. Before your father.

You said he died long ago.

Yes... He did. But the strong consume the weak... And there is a price for all magiks done in spite... He rose from the grave, powered by... the unholy.

His hatred.

Yes. The strongest weapon on this earth. Other than love. 

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