Friday 30 October 2009


My life runs like a cartoon.

I get up, and an anvil falls on my head.

Take a step forward, and I hit a mousetrap.

Try to eat, the food is stolen by vermin in the walls.

I see the same old people on the street like characters in the background.

I hate it.

I used to love the boxed chaos.

Now it's just boring.

I hate never knowing what's coming. I want to live by a ritualistic schedule.

God knows I try doing that, but after step 1 we have to jump around on the page to even get out of the door in the morning.

Royal "we" of course.

I just want to be able to sleep without being woken up by something-or-other.

Nothing worth hanging myself over, you realise.

I just...

I don't want the rest of my life to be a bananna creme pie to the face.

"Pick up pie!"



Where did it all go wrong?

As a kid, it's not so noticable. You're a being of chaos - a cliche.


But life gets boring.

Really boring.

Really quickly.

You go from pyjamas with the power rangers on them to sleeping nude because of your core body temperature.

It's the loss of innocence. The gain of experience. Blake had it pinned down.

But what is it that makes innocence a barrier for chaos?

Maybe I'll never know...

Maybe it's the rose tinted glasses of youth.

Maybe it's just how duller things get. Colour. Events. God knows christmas is never fun when you're an adult.

Or it could just be chaos itself.

Oroborous. Mobius loop. Unescapable.

We just have to put up with it.

I'll just have fun with it. Guess what's coming next.


Here comes the smiling sun.

I can't sleep very well anymore.

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