Sunday 18 October 2009

Sick of the Blues.


Still bunged up?


The meds not doing anything?


Hm. Maybe you should get some sleep.

Can't sleep. Won't be able to breathe...

Ah. Sleep or die. The old conundrum - that's why we jump in sleep. A throwback from when we slept in trees, stops us from falling out.

Uh-huh. As interesting as that is, I have an artichle to write.

You sure you should be doing it in this condition?

I need to do something, I can't sit around like you do all day and do nothing.

Ouch. The truth hurts, babe.

Well... I'm not in the mood to pussyfoot around..

Well, maybe some sleep would help.

Stop treating me like a child, David.

Just as soon as you stop acting like a mean drunk, Lily.

...I'm sorry.

It's alright, It's the germs talking.

I've just been thinking.


I'm sick.


I'm sick of this life.

In what way?

I don't want to work all my life.

It's the way of the world - you work to eat, you eat to life, you live to f-

No. I know, but... It's just so hollow.


...That was my whole point, and you crashed it with a single word.

Like I said, that's life - it's stupid and hollow. We just find ways of making it interesting.

Like what? I have hobbies, I have a social life.

Like I film pornography - that like of interesting, the subversive kind of interesting.

...You do what?

Film porn. Paid work of course.


Specialising in booty and anal sex.


All I'm saying is you need to find something you want to do, and do it. I like porn, so I film it.

...I like dogs.

I don't think people would accept that kind of porn.

Shut up. I mean pedigree dogs. Maybe I could do something with crufts...

There we go.

...Thanks honey.

No problem, babe. Now go to sleep, I'll go get you some stronger meds.

Lily later became a judge at the world dog show.

David was arrested for soliciting sex from a minor - no case has been filed yet.

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