Monday 26 October 2009

Setting the Woods on Fire.

She's late. Again.

What's the point in having a day out if she's not gonna bother being on time?!

Is it too much to ask, Lord?

Maybe I'm over-reacting... She's ALWAYS late, so I should really lower my expectations in that regard.

In that regard meaning only to that portion of her character.

Now I'm just over-thinking things.


Maybe she made other plans.

It's not beyond her to do that. I'm not the most exciting company, I wouldn't blame her.

I hope she isn't... No. She's not like that.

She could be.

She could be and I just don't know about it.

For all I know, as I sit here, she's out there with some nameless hunk, rubbing against him in a club.

...At 2 in the afternoon? 


...She could be at the beach. With whole scores of sand covered, muscle-brained morons.

...In a bikini.


No! Stop that - Both of it! I don't need that image or that line of thinking.

She's just running late.




She could be hurt.

She could be lying at the side of the road, bleeding to death.

"I've got to get to him! I'm running late as it is!" - CRUNCH.

Limbs motionless.


Oh god...

Again, that has to just be a worst case scenario... I hope.


I hope she's worn that yellow dress. With that complexion and build, it just hangs on her so well.

It's also the one she wore in New York... Over the fans, like Marilyn Monroe...

Polka dots...

I didn't think... those things, were still made in polka dots.

I wonder if it was a matching set?


Jesus, I need to stop thinking about that! Last thing I need is a stiffy in public!

And then her coming up from behind, frightening me into turning round and BAM!


It'd kill the whole mood of the conversation afterwards.



Maybe it'd... excite her.

We'd rush off to the Waterstones/Starbucks toilet and...

Make music together. Perfect harmony.


I think... I'd be happy, married to her.

Me, working 9-to-5 at the ...wherever does 9-to-5 in this day and age.

Her, working a half day, maybe a spot of painting, some cleaning...

And the kids. Victor and... She'd name the girl, I don't have a flair for girl's names.

We'd be happy...

I'd be in Heaven.


But then there's Hell.

Loveless marriage.


Bratty kids.

Working my fingers to the bone so she can sit on her fat arse all day...


I don't know why I bother...

She'll never be into me... So why do I try?


I have to try.

I've put too much into this wooing to give up now...

I need to ask her...


And she'll say no.

Cut your losses, Jimmy.

Go spend the money in your pocket on something selfish and needlessly violent.

I hear John Woo has a new film out...


10 seconds. I'll look for her.

If she isn't there, her loss. My gain.

I'll say I had something important thrown onto me at the last minute at work, she'll understand...

Okay. 10.


8. Nothing so far.



5. No sign.






1 and a half...



I'm done.



"Sorry, the meeting took a little longer than I expected."

"Oh, hey, no worries."

"And I've got to get back ASAP."

"...That's fine."

"Okay! Let's go get a coffee."

"Lead on, Macduff!"



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