Monday 5 October 2009

An Ode to Apathy.

You ever been in one of those situations that you just don't want to deal with, yet at the same time want to and need to?

I hate the dentist. With a passion - it's the feeling of being defenceless as they stick their finger around inside you. That's bad enough - but if you have a needle phobia, its like a death sentence when they say you need a filling. There's no chance of doing it without the jab because of the INTENSE FUCKING PAIN. And, personally, if they try to get anywhere near me with a needle i lock up like a woodlouse, all up in a ball.

What about the gas? Didn't work. Test worked fine - I felt all light and airy - a good feeling all in all. It's a different story when you're nervous as hell, to the point of having taken beta blockers to help with the "Holy crap I'm gonna be sick" feeling. When the gas was on I felt dead. All of my limbs were heavy - and rather than a white light, I saw a black mass in front of my eyes. As soon as that fucker said "Now were gonna have a try" - My muscles acted on instinct. Woodlouse.

So now what? Now I'm having to go in and take the little pill and hard gas. I'm not scared of that. I just want them to put the drip in my hand after I'm out - not halfway there.

I'll sue if they do. 

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