Tuesday 13 October 2009

In the Midst of a Race Riot.

Excuse me. Sir?


Sir, would you mind if I asked you a question?


These bottles of lit kerosene you're throwing at the police. Would you say your actions are racially motivated?

Do you realise where you are, little man?!

Yes, but I'm just doing my job. Would you say your own personal actions are racially motivated?

...I guess.

Splendid. Next question. Look out for that rock.


You're welcome. What would you say is your main problem with "The Establishment"?

"The Establishment"? Do you mean "The man"?

If that's what you want to call it.

Uh... This is a race riot. My main problem is my people are being oppressed!

Oh?! Are you the leader of this band? The inciter?


Then how are they-

It's my people. Just like those guys over there are "Your People".

My brother is in that crowd, but other than him I have no connection to those people.

Ugh. You don't get it, man.

Which is why I and my colleagues are doing these surveys. 

Wait. Your colleagues?

Me and my group - we're filling out these surveys for those people who "Just don't get" racially based news and situations.

...How many of you are there?

Sixteen. One chose not to come into the crowd, and Marshall's wife is having a baby.

...Boy or Girl?

He wanted it to be a surprise.




Next question. Would you say you are unjustly represented in the media?

Yes! That's one of the reasons we're-

Next. Would you say the violence-

Wait. You're not listening.

Exactly - I just need a yes or a no. Would you-

Didn't you want the real story?

No. Just enough to put together a pamphlet. Tear gas.



Thank you for... all *HACK* All the inform... *KAFF*

I... It's alright. I gotta *BORGH* Gotta run.

I hope... *KAHACK* If my superiors call... You'll... *HURK* Be good enough to... Give me a favourable recommendation...


A job well...


Robert Finnigan - 1974-2009

He died in the line of duty like most civil servants.


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