Saturday 10 October 2009

Joy to the World, The Savior...

He's late.

Of course he is. He's ALWAYS late.

But he knows what tonight is, right?

Yeah, I told him. Several times. He gets it.

Did you tell him NOT to be late?

He assured me he wouldn't be.

And yet... Here we are.

Stop your bitching, Harry.

Not my fault - My parents were sticklers for being on time.

Then why expect others to be so?

It's not "Others" or even "Most people" - Just him.

This is oroboros.


It's a circular arguement - you expect him to be late, you know he will be, and you STILL bitch and moan about it.

What should I do then, Jules? Pray?


Is that his car?

Would he drive a station wagon?


There we go then. Just be patient.

I am patient. I have sheer temperance under my belt.

That's what I hear.


Ah, there's his car. Get everything ready inside.



Jules! How are you?!

Hello sir, I can't complain, but-

-But no doubt Harry can, eh? Same old story then.

What about you, sir?

Apart from the hangover from hell, I'll survive.


High, same with the wife. Is everyone here?

Everyone from the list, as per your instructions.

Splendid. And their arrangements?

We couldn't do the room for the Darries, but then again you even said it may be above most craftsmen in the area. We had to substitute it for typewriter room...

Hm. Even though it's a fallback I'm still a little disappointed. We'll have to see how it goes.

And I'm afraid the museum wouldn't allow us usage of the "Brazen Bull". We had to get the iron maiden from the seller in Ottowa instead.

That's a shame. Add the curator to the next list.

Done. We did also manage to get a gibbet and some pilliwinks on the cheap from the same seller.


Thumb screws.

Ah, splendid!

Thought you'd like them. The screws were free actually, on the promise of more purchases in the future.

As long as he gets a Bull at some point I'm more than happy to buy again. Any more substitutions.

No sir.

How are the animals?

The bull is fine. Perfectly docile. The hormones are on standby.

And the other animals?

They still scream and moan. One of them attacked one of the feeders with an iron bar last week.

Good god man.

Punished of course, as an example. No other problems really.


Well, we had to separate the males and females again. And even some of the males from the males. We filmed all the doings of course. Couple even managed it through the bars.

Filthy buggers.

Starting entertainment I thought. They're the opening act.

Good man. My choice to put you as my right hander wasn't misplaced. What's the catch?


The icing on the cake. The "Raison d'etre".

Oh I see. Overdose of spanish fly.

Hm. Randy, but there's no "Zing".

Any suggestions?

Snuff it. Behead the female.

Are you sure? Girls of her assets are hard to come by. Considering your clause on "God's natural gifts".

Who is God, Jules?

You sir, a thousand times you!

Exactly. We can use the body again for a time. Make the male constantly on the fly.

And the replacement?

I have a touch of jungle fever.

Aye sir.

Shall we?

Certainly. After you, sir.



Welcome to my palace of blood...

I, Sebastian St. Sade, Am, at least for tonight, your host, lord, and master.

You each know where you're going and why you are here - so let's not beat around the bush - plenty of time for that later...

Now, the opening act!

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