Wednesday 16 September 2009

Riverside Regrets.

"Is this... Really... Neccesary?"

"Seemingly. You pissed the old man off something fierce last night."

"But... You weigh a ton!"

"Are you gonna keep bitching all the way around?"

"Haha... Says the guy... sitting on my shoulders."

"Did you say shitting?"

"No... Dumbass."

"I'm still pretty pissed off actually."


"Why?! You were gonna quit."

"I have... My reasons."

"Like what? This is your dream, man."

"I know... But I can't... Take it anymore."



"Oh. He's strict out of love - you're like a son to him."

"Fathers don't beat their sons, Jack."

"They do."

"With folding chairs? Fireballs? He threw... His shoe at me."

"Last night was hectic, but you surprised him. He didn't know how you felt."

"How was he... After I left..."

"Break time. 3 minutes. He was quiet. Went to his room, didn't come out till you got back. He looked tired - all red in the eyes."


"Joel, he wants to pass the legacy on to you."


"The mask, licences, tights, the works. Even says you can use the moves, or make variations, you know how protective the pros are of their gimmick. This is a huge fucking deal."

"...I can't."

"Why not?!"

"...I've been offered a job in the states."

"Oh. For who?"

"Who do you think? They've been on a talent drive for months now."

"They're bringing you back in? Will you be Joey Farraday again?"

"No. They've promiced to repackage me. Still Joey but without the irish."

"...You're gonna break his heart."

"Stop it."

"He loves you. He wants to see you reach the top, it's the only thing keeping him going."

"I know."


"I don't know why! I'm just sick of this fucking country. Everything is a legacy - the old guys keeping themselves at the top while we make the midcard all shiney for Hosei-san to look at his reflection in while he counts the cash - the cash we don't even see!"

"We knew what we were getting into - Gaijin faction, highway to success, the high and hard road."

"Then why after 2 years are we still running laps around this resevoir?"

"...We have to keep in shape. You know that. You also have a pretty cushy path to success in front of you, and yet you want to throw it back in the old man's face to go back to GWA as a fucking jobber to the stars. Same shit - different package."


"I just don't get why you can't be happy with what you have. Every man needs a dream, but you're living it - you're so close to the top and you're gonna give up just bacause it didn't pan out how you wanted it to."



"Get on, Jack."


"3 minutes are up. We gotta get going again."

"Oh, right."

"Humph... And Thanks. I think I'm gonna talk to Toshogi when we get back. Try and apologise."


"You're right. And plus, there are good points to this."


"I can take you to the top with me, Jack Alexandria."

"Just like we said as kids. Jack Alexandria, master manager and his charge - Joel Johaine!"

"Ha. Maybe it'll be..."

* * * * *

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