Wednesday 23 September 2009

From the files of Minerva Sharp.

Mervin, Mallory
POWER: Class-3
Control over plant life in immediate range.
*NOTE* Loyal to the system. Possible successor.

Dinford, Robert
POWER: Class-2/3
*NOTE* Backlash can occur in the presence of other psychics.

Broune, Gregory
POWER: Class-4
Living sunspot. Able to generate intense heat and project it.
*NOTE* Reckless, hotheaded.

Undron, Harriet
POWER: Class-3
Able to merge with shadows. Unable to in total darkness.
*NOTE* Prone to escape attempts. Tighted security accordingly.

King, Moses
POWER: Class-1/2
Living Lockpick.
*NOTE* Useless. Dismiss when able.

Haines, Frederick
POWER: Class-4
Acidic bile. Able to consume any matter for sustainence.
*NOTE* Glass cell.

Furee, Daniel
POWER: Class-3
Able to take on the properties of touched matter.
*NOTE* Loyal, but cannot fully control his gift.

Miles, Alice
POWER: Class-3/4
Generates psycho-sensitive "Chaff". Confusion, blanks and unconciousness are all documented effects.
*NOTE* Power affects all, non-selective.

Ford, Abraham
POWER: Class-4/5
Invulnerable to harm. Posesses super-human strength.
*NOTE* Weak willed, prone to fixations on females.

Westhow, Violet
POWER: Class-3/4
Can animate the inanimate. Objects up to her own size and weight only.
*NOTE* Shows sociopathic tendancies.

These children all show the signs of great things. They just need to get over their fears and childish nature. Time will tell.


12/12/74 - Harriet tried to escape again. Placed in the dark room. No accomplices.

24/12/74 - Alice lost control. Something about Santa Claus. No Casualties.

25/12/74 - Violet. This girl shows incredible malice towards the others. She pushed Daniel into the christmas tree. We spent hours collecting him up. She brought the turkey back to life. She manipulated Abraham into starting a fight with Frederick.
Violet in isolation. Put forward for P.N.T. trials.

31/12/74 - Harriet escaped again. During the party for the staff. Abe was an accomplice. He shows a bond with her and Mallory. Both put into isolation.

14/02/75 - Abe snapped at me. Unprovoked. Into isolation.

20/03/75 - Control tests began. Children shipped out to training locations. Harriet tried to escape.

24/03/75 - GERMANY. Robert in critical condition. Tutor missing.

02/04/75 - King dismissed. Kept on roll. Sent to foster family in Harlem, NY.
- Corandine, Gordon aquired.

Conrandine, Gordon
POWER: Class-3
Able to access a dimension outside of our own through his body.
*NOTE* Hammerspace, like a bugs bunny cartoon. Access from attached clothing.

20/04/75 - Children return. Lapse in measure - lose one truck to Haines' bile.

06/06/75 - The Garden Incident. Violet in critical condition. Abe in isolation. Alice in coma. Mallory showed great strength of character, along with Broune.

22/07/75 - Alice awakes from coma. Physical therapy for Violet concludes.

29/07/75 - Gordon found hung in his room. Children not informed.

03/08/75 - Furee assaulted. No known attacker. Abe suspected. Isolation.

18/08/75 - Furee informs me of Violet's cruelty to the others. I suspect there is more to recent events that meets the eye. Violet under constant surveilance from McHann.

20/08/75 - McHann reports Violet walking. Impossible since the accident in the garden. Though it does make sense in my head.

29/08/75 - Harriet missing. No signs of escape.
- Later found in garage, in the shadow of a truck. Said she was scared of something.

14/09/75 - Violet caught trying to steal a knife from the kitchen. Sent to Vermont facility.

30/10/75 - Abe berzerk. Something about Alice's relocation to England. Isolation.

31/10/75 - Abe escaped, through pure force. Harriet missing as well. It's all gone wrong. 5 of the 10 remain loyal. Time to inform them of our true mission.


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