Monday 7 September 2009

The Outside Bet.


Oh god... I'm under the heel today...

Wasn't meant to be this quick...

Just today...

Just gotta get through today...

They're all counting on me...

Gotta be ready...


* * * * *
W...Who's there?
It's me, Freddy...
Yes... I'm getting out, Freddy... I'll be free...
Free... free to eat my fill... Eat your wife...
No! Please... Gillman... Stop it.
You thought you could hold me down? Wrong.
Thought you could suppress me? I'm you! This is your true nature...
The beast within...
Embrace it... Feel the blood in your veins bubble and flow...
* * * * *
*TRORK* Scales! You alright?!
Yeah... I'm... I'm OK.
You sure man? I tried to reach you an-
I'm fine! What's the situation topside?
Still waiting on DNA. He was meant to be here an hour ago.
Plan still the same?
Drive him into the sewer? Yeah. You got the Fracamite?
Good. I dunno how Shape got it, but it... It fucks him up.
Right. Just hold it out. Got it.
You sound off, man.
Just a little nervous.
You'll be fine.
Thanks Mac.
Over and out. *TRORK*
Huurgh... I'm gonna throw up.
* * * * *
Gotta be ready... The shit hit the fan.
Sound like a real battle up there. I can hear Mac thumping away.
Need to focus...
Take this you fu-
* * * * *
...No...ake it..
...Et him to...
...E wa...Ick...
...Acami... For hi...
* * * * *
1 in 6...
5 in 6...
There is always the chance of either neither or even both happening.
It's miniscule.
Am I lucky?
To be alive, yes...
I'm a brain in a jar...
A jar full of Fracamite. Keeping me alive.
They couldn't have known.
The combination of radiation from the Toxic waste... And the unstable Fracamite... Made me...
...A daddy.
Did you know some fish can be asexual? And some can change gender?
They're deep though... Like the kind science hasn't disected yet...
My body was changing... But couldn't keep up... It died...
But I live on. Me and my children.
Why bother to name them? They all look the same...
Louise would throw a shit fit if she knew...
If she wasn't told I'd died on the battlefield...
It's just me and the swarm... living on...
They look at me with hungry eyes... But I'm in control of the beast that made them into the vicious little piranhas they are...
Just me and the beast...

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