Saturday 26 September 2009

A Dark Reflection.

You realise what you've done, right?

Of course. You don't take shit like that lightly.

Right. So what'cha gonna do now?

Lay low for a while. See if I can get an alibi from Grace.

She'll toss you out again.

No she won't. She loves me.

Sure. And the Pope is Jewish.

Look, she knows the score now - I'm straight.

So what does that make this?

...A slip up.

A premeditated slip up. A cold and calculating slip up.

Fine. What do you say I do?

The laying low is fine. But I think you need a back up plan, just in case.

Like what?

Maybe purchasing a weapon of some kind?

That seems a little much.

It's either that or keep the knife.

...That isn't a good idea. You know it isn't.

Yeah, so what? I don't see you bringing much to the table.

Alright... How about getting out of the country while I can?

Nah. They'll catch you in a heartbeat once they find the genetic evidence.

Genetic evidence? I was careful!

Not careful enough. 


Calm down... There's a way out.

If you say suicide I'm going to be very upset.

No. Why not frame someone else?

You said there was genetic data.

Say it's your knife. You never found it for days - until the police pull it out of a bush near the crime scene.

...Who though?

Who else? Harriet. She HATED John. More than you ever could.

Right... Then how did she get in?

I dunno. And neither do you. She could have gotten it anytime.


You sound pensive. I don't like that.

It's not the right thing to do.

Says the murdering nutball.

You were there too.

You can't prove that!

I can. Somehow. If I go down you're coming with me.

Alright, alright... How about... Hm.

Can't think of anything can you, Mr. Smarty pants.

I'm just as clueless as you are, buddy-boy.

There's no other way. I have to get out of the country.

To where?


Why Mexico?

Nice place, Mexico. 

Is that all?!

No. It's easier to see an international policeman coming in the desert.

Ah. I see. Seems good on paper.

On paper?

It's like I said. They'll be able to track you down, no matter from how far away you see them.

From the tickets?

That, the credit cards and the CCTV.

Hm. I could use cash.

Or Grace's credit card, which you still have I take it.

Yeah. Good idea.

And you could keep out of the range of the cameras.


So have we decided?

Certainly. I'm going to pack!

Wait! Don't forget your mirror!

Oh right! I'd be aimless without you!

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