Tuesday 22 September 2009


Been down for too long...

The sun hurts my eyes...

I need to find her...

She... Will know what to do.

* * * * *
Morning Emil.
Good Morning Ms. Mervin.
Emil, I've told you. Call me Mallory. Now, any new arrivals?
A class 4, and two class 2 individuals.
Class 4? That's a rarity. Give me the 2's.
First is Dorian, Francis. Able to see through walls.
X-ray vision?
More like echo-location, from what we've seen.
Right. And the girl?
Evans, Joan. Secretes a chemical what can confuse people.
That's a class 2?
She has to apply it to the head of a person for it to work.
Ah, I see. Well, Mr. Dorian will be a useful field agent. Pair Miss Evans with a physical agent, have them as back-up. Have they been briefed?
Not as yet, we were waiting for you.
Right. How about the class 4?
Forrester, William. A ferronic entity.
Ah... Made of metal. Or at least has a shell of it over his own body.
He seems to be able to eat anything as well. We went through a couple of chairs before we found that one out.
I get it. It adds to the mass of the shell. Where was he?
One of our informants gave us a tip. He was buried in the middle of a forest.
How did he know?
No idea. I try not to ask.
Could be a forced mutation or evolution, upon burial. Run a toxicity test to check for-
-Already done. Not toxic residue. We thought natural mutation as well.
Keep him under observation. How is his temperment?
He was in shock at how long he was under. Been there since the 60's he says. Other than that, he's fine.
There was one more thing.
D-Wing. It was... broken into, last night.
Straight through the wall evidently.
Anything missing?
No. The path of destruction ended rather abruptly. All the cameras got was a shape. Small, but strong, he was able to break the wall, and through several of the doors to the research labs.
Are you sure nothing was taken?
Positive. All projects and equipment accounted for.
If you ask me. It was looking for something. It was slow, methodical.
Hm... Bulk up security. It could be back.
Already done.
Good. Something's screwy... Can't put my finger on it though. Emil, get me a tracking team.
...I don't think it's such a good idea. This thing was able to both breach the security without making a sound, and then break through the reinforced walls.
Trust me. Just send them out - capture, not kill.
...Right. I'll send you the data as they go. What will you do.
This is priority one now. I need to meet with the senior staff and other controllers.
Only Mr. Dinford and Mr. Broune are in the facility at the moment. As for staff, they sould be along when you need them.
Right. Get the boys up - I'll see them first.
* * * * *
They'll be after me soon enough...
She'll see to that...
But she won't see me coming, oh no...
Not at all...
* * * * *
Dinford. Broune.
Can we dispense with the formalities, Mallory? You know Me and Robbie well enough.
...Fine, Gregory.
This is about the break in?
Yes. The... intruder was looking for something.
Oh? What?
If I knew, I'd tell you. He seemed to know the grounds pretty well though, went straight to the research labs.
Industrial espionage?
He wasn't quiet. I'd think that if he'd snuck in. He was an animal. Robbie - I need you to use your gift.
Please, go over to the wing and find out all you can.
I know, but please try.
...Alright...I'll begoing...
Poor guy. Never the same since Auschwitz. Never send a psych to a fucking locus for misery.
...Broune. Don't bring up the past.
Sorry Mal.
Just a thought. What was there years ago?
D-Wing. It was the old administrative offices wasn't it?
Yes. Where Sharp used to be. What's your point, Gregory?
Maybe this thing was going on old info, or had an older map.
It had business with Sharp? She's been dead for 15 years.
That's just what I think. It's a long shot, but... If the well dries up, you have to look for other places with water.
I wasn't dismissing it. It just seems strange. She had a lot of enemies though. We all did - but she took the brunt of it.
Hm. Now I see why you don't want to bring up the past. I just got shivers down my spine thinking about it.
The search team is out. Emil sent beta team and gamma.
Hm. Can't see it being much help though. If it has work to do or a mission it'll be-
Emil, what's going on?
*It's Mr. Dinford - he's having a seizure, or a fit, I don't know. A med team is on the way.*
We'll be right down.
* * * * *
Hunter. Hunted...
She'll never see it coming.
* * * * *
We don't have much to go on. Could have been a psychic thing, that's not my area. He was doing his thing on the lab, and then... He was down. He was yelling in pain, they had to give him morphine to relax his limbs for the cart.
He say anything important?
No, he was screaming most of the time. He screamed for the two of you. And some of the other partners. Undron, King, Haines, Abe, Furee, Miles-
Abe, one of the names, yes.
There isn't a senior called Abe.
...Yes, there was.
...It's him, Mal. He's back.
Wha... Abe? We thought...
That's what "She" told us.
Oh god...
Sir? Ma'am?
Abe. Poor Abe. It all makes sense. The strength. The stealth. The... Animalism.
What do we do, Mal?
...We go and meet him.

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