Monday 21 September 2009



Heads. Another slice of toast. White or brown?


Brown. Not my favourite, but what can you do. Butter or Jam?


Butter. Jam isn't great on brown toast.


Right, shower done - What to wear...


Black. Always in fashion. Waistcoat?


Hm. You're right. It looks like a muggy day. Could be humid. Not good for waistcoats. Guess I'll go semi-formal.


Oh. Guess not. Semi-casual?


Good. Not much difference anyway.


Meeting Jane in an hour...


Restaurant. Nice change of scenery. A cafe would just be...


Too informal. Flowers?


Yep. May as well get her favourite kind.


Or not.


Jane! Over here!



Woah, just a handshake today.

...I thought we'd been over this. That isn't healthy.

It's fun! Anyway, I'm the one who's writing the feature, I'm 3 months in and I can't stop now.


Nope, can't stop now.

...Fine. Let's just get lunch. Where do you fancy?

I have reservations.

Reservations? Mike, I'm in my work clothes - I can't be seen anywhere like this.

Not just anywhere, The "Maison Fortose".

How did you get reservations for there?!


...It's better if you don't know.

For god's sake...


Good afternoon sir and madam, I'm Jervais and I'll be your waiter today. Would you like to order?

Yes, I'll have the chicken. No starter for me.

And for you sir?




I'll have the Duck in peppered mushroom sauce, along with the prawn coctail to start.

Certainly sir.


Why did you order a starter? Now it's going to take twice as long for the mains. I only have an hour's lunch.

That's plenty of time. Just relax.

Well, it is nice here... No matter how you got the reservations.




Will you stop that?

Sorry, it just happens out of habit now.

...Look. I want to say somethig.


Go on.

...I love you.

And I yo-

-But I've had enough. This bloody coin business has to stop.

It's fine.

No, it really isn't. It's creepy. You don't have any control over it.

Bullshit, I do. I could stop any time I want. I made a commitment.

Going on a coin flip for a full year to "Test your luck". It isn't luck - it's lazy. You're 3 months in - how many times have you flipped that coin?

...I don't know.

Exactly - Think how many times you'll do it in 365 days.


...I'm happy.


I'm happy. Happier than I've ever been. I would have never made reservations like this before the coin. I wouldn't have booked holidays for us in the bahamas.

The bahamas?!

Happy birthday. And I would have just been one of these hopeless fucking mortals without it. I go where it takes me, and i'm happier for it.

Mortals? ...You think you're a god?

No... I just have a divine purpose.

Oh, so you're divine?! Right.

What are you doing? Give it back!

No. I'm making a flip of my own. Heads I go, Tails I stay.

No, please, don't do this.



Not easy is it? And you have to stick to it. No matter what. Even if it's something you really want to do. I've passed up so many opportunities.

...Then quit. Just do what you like.

I'd love to... But I said I'd do the story.

Well, I'm going to do what I like. As soon as we finish here. I don't want to see you anymore.







Did you both enjoy your meal?


...It was lovely.

Very good, here's the bill.

...I'll get it.

Okay. I'll do the tip.


Nah. I have a better idea.


I can fob Lewis off. Tell him I did 6 months but had to quit. He doesn't see me all the time anyway. Any coin looks like the other.

...I'm glad. I've got to get back to work. I'll see you at home!

Sure! Bye.


Any old coin looks like another.


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