Monday 4 January 2010

You've got to Laugh.



...Time to get up, Betsy-dear.


It's me...


...Old name, dear... I'm something more now...

Jason... People were worried about you... You're sick...

Oh yes. Completely. I was. WAS. I got better.

You fell...

Mhm. Fell off that old band-wagon... Right into her arms. I don't need the witch doctoooor! I'll gladly take her charms!

Off of the bridge...

Yep! It was cold... Very cold. And dark. But I went with the flooooooooow... and I found my way home...

Why didn't you stay then?!

I couldn't. I was broken, baby. I needed a fix...

Drugs? I thought you were-

Were? Am. But not like I was... I was a real fucknut back then... I don't need the chemicals now... I get my fix from other places...


I couldn't stay... I would have hurt them... A lot. Over. Over. More. More...


I'm stone cold... A real stunner. Butcher. Baker. Soldier. Spyyy... What's his name?


The guy who took my place... Name.

I don't know what you're talking about!

The MAN! The one at your apartment... You cry to him and wait for him to come... around... WHO IS HE?!

...Jules? He's just the guy across the hall... He's been so kind-

Shut it! Filthy whore! She tells me what you do!


Mistress... Do not say her name... she'll hear you... Shh!

Who is The Mistress?

No! You'll wake her up! She found me... Took care of me when I was broke! She told me things no-one knew but her! And now me!

What things?

No... No-one but us... No-one is ready for it. She says so...

Try me.


Please... Help me understand...



Yes... She can know? Just a little trinket, just to help her get the puzzle?


Thank you! Thank you, Mistress!

It's okay?

It's fine! Ha!

So, tell me.

Just a little secret... the world is dead.


It's upside-down. The opposite to how we see it! The opposite of life is death...

So the world is dead...


So I'm dead?

No! We're all alive! Just a dead world!

And the Mistress?

She transcended life and death! Silly! She's immortal! Living in the rocks and rivers themselves!

But if they're dead... She is.


Yes. You said it yourself...



No! I can't kill her!

What does she fear?! Why does she need you?!


No... No! I can't kill her! She's...


Aaagh! Noo!


Don't hurt me! Please! I'll be good!

Fight her! Let me fight her!

NO! You'd di-yai-YAI!






Oh my god... Wake up!






Ack! My thr-

She said you'd try to fool me... Yes... HAHA!

No! I want-

Shut up!





...Oh dear. Betsy fell. Oh well... She'll be up and around soon... Dead, dead world. Deaad, deaad Girl... REBORN!

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