Sunday 10 January 2010

Henburg Six. One of Six.


Whenever a green labeled file ends up on my desk, it's high priority.

Yesterday, I got 6 of 'em.

As the head psychiatrist of "The Barrel" - A cute name for the worst place to work in the world. The most secure prison on the eastern seaboard. Set aside for superhumans, or villains in this case... As well as mutates and metabeings in the lower reaches.

And it's my job to make sure none of them get an inferiority complex, or develop a fetish for orange jumpsuits. That WASN'T pleasant.

Usually it's a monthy meeting, or an assisted course with one of the junior doctors. Except for green and black labels. Black labels are the highest priority, those who are never to be released - we just make it so they get the right amount of meds so they don't try ANYTHING.

Green labels are borderliners. Too docile or not as powerful to be blacklisted, but not safe enough to be in general circulation. The big hitters - they guys you see walk through strings of C and D-listers when the pangalactic beings crash into Manhattan or Oklahoma.

The first of the Henburg Six, a group of virtual unknowns who managed to not only break into The Barrel, but as soon as they'd broken in, surrendered. Chaos with no explanation. They pleaded guilty, but even with that, the lawyers got them a lessened sentence due to breaking into a prison with no intent to spirit away any of the inmates not actually being a crime.

My arm aches in the cast holding it together. During the break-in, my arm was crushed. It aches at the sight of Louis Fenerbink, Aka: Skymaster.

A genius level intellect with delusions of grandeur. Thinks he's a part of a sky-born race with superior technology, the Cotyl. Aztec inspired.

He sits on the other side of the desk, grinning like a cheshire cat. He knows he's famous, despite only a week ago being a registered accountant.

"Hi, Doc."

"Louis. How are we today?"

"Not so bad, Doc. Could do with some fresh air though, the recirculated stuff just isn't the same"

"It comes from the outside, just pumped in-"

"No. It doesn't take an idiot to taste it in the air. It's laced with drugs, tastes like an operation I once had - had a tooth pulled. I don't like needles."

"I know, it's in your records."

"Have you seen Ignacks yet?"

"Freddy? No... He's third on the list."

"Oh... I wondered how he was."

"We'll be sure to let you know. I have a few questions."

"Thought so. Knew so. Shoot."

"Where did you get the technology? It's beyond anything I've ever seen, not even some of the blacklist have stuff like this."

"Why it was the Cotyl! My memories of a past life in the starry sky reborn! I went off to my cloud, left for me by my father, the King, years ago when I was sent to Terra!"


"Yeah, it's horse shit. You know it, I know it, I hurt my throat yelling about the vengence of the gods all the time. It's a character, y'know."

"I get it."

"It was amalgamated tech from long gone villains and threats. I managed to scrounge it up and piece it together. The rest of the tech we used too. I liked the "Matter-changing Gun", The one we used on the wall - Again, sorry. It turned back from sap to concrete just at the wrong time."

"It's alright. Who lead you?"

"...Morry. He lead us through the city. He admitted it in court."

"No. Who arranged you all? Found you, cultivated your talents and made the plan."


"No, he's a redneck, pardon my vernacular. Hasn't got the qualities of a leader. That falls to you, but I don't think you lead them."

"Very astute."

"So who was it?"

"You'll never find him. He's dead."

That's all I got out of him. The rest was small talk... Deadlock took him back, and he was smiling again.

"He's dead"... The others must have something else to say... But I'll make a check of obituaries of villains, or even heroes in the past 6 months... Before I move on to Jack Morry, the Titan of Takoma.

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