Thursday 14 January 2010

Henburg Six. Five of Six.


Henry sits behind the plexi-glass nervously. Without the suit, he's nothing special. The neural pathways and connecters make him stick out like a sore thumb. The shiner on his right eyes only makes his new found physical condition worse.

He's the only one who has managed to make it into general circulation, both on my reccomendation, and on the reccomendation of Deadlock, chief warden. It's more trouble than it's worth having a non-powered man in the bottom. After some unpleasentness with the more deviant members of the blacklist, Deadlock agreed.

"How did you get that black eye, Henry?"

"Some dick calling himself White Streak... Junkie fuck."

"Ah yes... Michael... I'm sorry."

"Not your fault... Ah, just hurts like hell..."

"Mind if I ask you a few questions about the suit?"


"How did you get such advanced technology? I know Skymaster helped put it together..."

"He wishes."


"Sure, he HELPED. But it sounds like the guy is taking full credit... Right?"


"Wrong. All he did was find ME the right parts. I did the rest..."

"The bionic circuitry?"

"Yeah... I've had it all my life... Ever see the Invisible Man? Where he uses greasepaint or bandages to SEEM normal?"

"I see. So you were disguised for years..."

"They were crude, scarred lines before I got to studying real circuitry. They developed as I grew to understand them... and I had a little help..."


"I... Shaped them. Myself. Wooden spoon, a scalpel and a lot of towels... It healed up pretty good."

"Ah... I see."

"And he helped me too."


"No... The big man. The head honcho."

"Oh... Who was he?"

"I have a good tolerance for pain..."


"So when he tried to put me under... I managed to see his face."

"Could you describe it for us?"

"Quid Pro Quo. I want out of The Barrel. I want to be in Coffwood Max."

"If your information is accurate, I'll put in a good word. You seem sane enough, if you pardon my crude manner of speaking..."


He described the boss to me. He's a meek looking, middle aged man. Looked tired, or weary in some lights... We got all of the details.

As I went to leave, I forgot to pick up my phone. Henry pointed it out to me... When I got back to it... It's settings were changed, it's programming itself compromised...

Even if this information is accurate... Henry is too dangerous to be anywhere but The Barrel.

I must put across steps to counter this developed technopathy.

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