Friday 27 November 2009

Rhymers, Two-timers, Schemers and Dreamers.

Agent Maxley, sir?

Yes, Franjen?

Are we in any huge danger today?

I notice you didn't just say danger. You're learning.

I mean, I realise these people are high priority targets, but-

Not all of high priority, and some higher than others. But I know what you mean, and what you're asking. Read me the list again.


And let me know what you think of them.

Alright. Herge Croire.

L'Homme Magique. Magic Man.

Telepath. Telekinetic. Has gadgets provided by unknown sources.

He doesn't usually step outside of Europe. Western europe anyway. What does that say?

He has a damn good reason to come stateside.

What else?

...He... May have other connections?



Those connections need his powers. He was able to knock out an entire bank with a click of his fingers. That's another thing.


He's only been small time up until now. None of his monitored accounts show him buying a ticket to L.A. He was BROUGHT out here.

Okay. Next is Felim Sondras - Count Sondras. Out of Romania.

The lord of darkness himself. Can control shadows and fly unaided at night.

Why at night?

No idea. Something about air pressure being lower. So he'd be useless in a storm.

They need him for the power. There are shadows everywhere.

Not just that, though it's the deciding factor. The count is sat on a huge fortune, more than enough to fund any kind of operation.

Right. Andreas Colon, inbound on Flight 38981 from Colombia.


The guy was a doctor, professor even in aerospace AND chemistry.

He still is. Made all of his cloud capsules himself. All dense enough to support him and anyTHING he makes them able to support. Good weapons too, he can control them.

Air support, and the science know-how?


Lastly, Farrah Vendil-Andrews. The Redcap.

Super strong, super agile, and utterly insane.

The muscle?

Yeah, but she's unpredictable. Alternate personality obsessed with fairytales. Thinks she's some blood demon or something. That's why her hair is red.



Whoever's bringing them in knows how to control her... It. As well as get them all to work together.

As well as having a plan. He's been working on it for some time. Everyone has a job, but they can multi-task. Only he has any real devotion or dedication to one job.

He's the controller?

The one sending them updates and orders. One man come to mind for me...


The Inside Man.

...He's dead, isn't he?

He'd like you...Us, the agency, the world, to think that. He was a smooth operator. Spending years building up a position with white collar companies, only to sell them out to other supervillains. Only thing that made them fail was the ineptitude of most villains who paid his fees. He was a mastermind for schedule and planning.

Why would he come out of hiding now?

The game is good again. Sure, at cut fees due to the basic economy, but it still works. People aren't expecting these kinds of crimes now on such a huge scale.

So they're all coming to bid on a bank job?


So what did you think?

He's bored. After one final score.

And he's finally stepping up?

Could be anything. Hostages, kidnapping, blackmail. When a guy like him steps out of his comfort zone, everything goes into high priority.

There's still one thing, sir.

And that is?

We have no idea who The Inside Man is.

No. We don't. Suit up, First flight from Romania is incoming.

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