Friday 6 November 2009

An Open Letter to Karma.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I represent a single party, interested in the interests of fairness, which you, in singularity, represent.

You, as the singularity, have fucked me over too often.

I don't try to do bad things, they just happen to me. This, I feel, I could attribute to you as well. I'm given opportunities to do wrong, and it's too easy. May I suggest you make it incredibly obvious or blunt to the focused party that what they are doing is VERY VERY BAD.

Also, I would like a clear definition of how good acts are, as well the bad. Some kind of chart would help. And labels.

Also... As an act of penance, I would like to apologise to all of those people I've done bad things to. That's partly why I'm in here, and writing this letter. I just feel shitty about the whole deal.

I just want to let them know I'm sorry.


Larry Sullivan, P.N. 5563802.

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