Tuesday 17 November 2009

Pulp. Part 3.


We just split up. I've got to keep these short, not that any of these junkie fucks would notice. It's the overseers I worry about. They're higher profile, just by looking at them. Big grey and red bands on the arms of their robes...

We all took a door on the top side of the house... I'm taking the one right next to this one...

Empty. It's just a bedroom. Odd though. There are 2 four poster beds in here, one with a green and gold sheet, the other with black and white. This is someone's chosen quarters. Or more than just one...

Just checked a trunk in between the beds. Found an old... Assessment? That's what it sounds like anyway... Talks about someone called "Forrester". He was talking to one of the bigwigs, a Mr. "Green". Green... Forrester... Sound like somebody was trying to open a nature society... Forrester passed whatever it was they were testing him on with flying colours apparently, instant admission to... Something. It's blacked out. A lot of words are. Sensitive material, eh?

Moving on to the next room...

Bathroom. Great.

The next room then... Hang on.

On the post of the green bed - there's a green keycard hung up from a nail. I'll be taking that for later...

In the next room. No-one here either. Just a load of garbage. Pamphlets, empty boxes and... Oh God! What the hell is that... Smell?! ...Urrgh... Severed head. There's a fucking severed head in a waste bag full of pamphlets... These people are fucked! If one of them even goes for me... I'm gonna open fire, I swear to God... Nothing else of use here... 2 doors.

Going left. Must be the one behind the dining room.

Yeah, the kitchen. I can see through the serving hatch of the dining room, no-one's here. I hope you guys are all right...

Back in the garbage room, checking right.

Just a study. This place looks clean enough. Must be used more often than the rest of this place... There's a book in the chair. "'Yddragsil' - Advanced botany studies" by someone called F.G.D. No other names on the cover, just the initials. The rest of the books don't look too interesting...

This place is cold... There must be a window open. Or not. There are no windows in this room, it's central... Then where?

The draft is coming from... Behind the fireplace?! I knew these rich types were eccentric, but I never thought I'd find a secret passage here! Just need to find how it opens... 

No switch that I can see... Just a painting above it of some big tree, with a guy hanging from it. Nice choice... If you're Gomez Addams. It looks pretty good though, no signs of smoke damage or even age... A part of it looks... Metallic.

Nope, not the switch - it won't push in. There has to be something in this room that'll open it... 

No room on the bookcase for anything that looks like a key... Or anything else... So where did...

Ah! Stupid ass! The book!

There! it was a magnetic lock! As soon as I lifted it up, it opened, it must have been built into the cover... Clever... But that's the creepy part - magnetic locks aren't old tech, this was new, recent. Who needs a government tech in a funny farm?!

No other ways out... I'm going in.

Tunnel - not too well lit. Not a natural one, it must bypass a load of rooms, I can hear people on the other side of the walls... Gotta keep quiet.

Eyeholes in the wall. Spy-ports.

Empty room, but it looks clinical. Applications room?

There's blood on the table... Moving on.

Another set. Looking in.

...I'm at the end of the corridor... That last room... It had something in it. It was too dark, but I could see it moving. It wasn't natural. Could be dying... Poor sap.

No sound in the next room. The door is the same as the fireplace on in size. There's a switch.

Empty. It's a huge hall. I'm in another fireplace. For somewhere that's meant to have a lot of people... This is a dead zone. Maybe I just lucked out and...

..."I understand, but...can be chalked...contain it and..."...

..."Just do as I...The...Will not...failure...stand?"...


2 overseers. they were talking about containment and they looked pretty worried. I don't blame them either, I'm close to bugging out...

One left from under me... There's a set of doors there. The other went to the right of me, so left... No door there... More secrets, I guess. But If they're going there, I have no need to. The scientist's aren't in such an open part of the building... And this keycard has to open something...




I just went through the double doors, past a group of people and into another set of rooms. One was empty, save for garbage and a statue... The other is... well, I don't know. I'm stood in a science lab... Or meth lab by the looks of it. Guess we know how they get their stuff. I'm stood in front of a metal door, leading back into the house. Punchline? Blue keycard, not green. Fuck. But at least I know what too look for now...


Statue room. It had a medal around it's neck in the shape of an eye. May come in handy.





I've found my way into the central garden. There's a greenhouse, needs a green keycard. Bingo. How's that for convenient? Going in.

"You there, stop!"

"*Shit...* Anything wrong?"

"Have you been assigned this duty?"

"Yes... But I still don't fully understand..."

"You will in time. Just assist the overseer, do what they need you to do."

"Ah. thank you."


I thought that was it... Goose cooked!

"Young man, are you my new assistant?"

"Yes, doctor..."


"Doctor Dryd, crtainly. I'm still pretty new at this..."

"No worries, child. I just need to perform a physical and we can get started with your duties"


"Here. take this."

"What is it?"

"Just a sugar tablet."


"I need to compare you to the other saplings"

"*Cute nickname...*"


"Nothing, Doc."

"Hm... Now, just check your heart rate... There, nothing bad. Take these."

"A blue and red card?"

"It'll give you access to the underground and the overground supply areas."

"Right. Dual access?"

"Right. I need you to go to the under-lab, get me some HCF2296 and some BM-6."

"Uh... It's all labelled, right?"



"Just take the exit there..."

"I'll be back soon, Doc... ARRGH!"

"Got you you sneak... Not knowing BM-6. Basic training for lab assistants to the cause. Who sent you?"

"Ffff... Fffffff..."

"Hm. The Choronall has really accelerated the transformation... Mouth full of splinters? Or Bark tongue?"


"It's different each time... Like making a hybrid plant... But no need to even tell you this... You'll feel the glory soon enough, sapling..."


"Play here, little guard. The board will need to know of your incursion..."




"Urrgh... You little fuck..."



"Hughack! Haaaaa..."




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