Friday 20 November 2009

Pulp. Part 5.


Just dropped them off, base. Not that you can respond... Or will, is the better word.

This place looks damn swanky. Just the sort of place I'd go if I wanted to set up a cult.

Retiring to a safe distance. While they light the touch paper. I need a vacation...


I'm a good way away... I still don't get the need for silence. I'm far enough away from anything...

Wait. Control, please respond.

"Control. What's the situation?"

I heard something. Something... big.

"Could just be an animal, keep it together."

Expect the unexpected. Halloran said that himself in the briefing. You're most likely right, but I'm gonna take a look.

"Stay sharp."

I will.


Alright. Just a perimeter sweep.

Look at me. Jumping at twigs breaking and shadows... Fine state of mind to be in...

Ha! ...A rat. Great. Big old sucker, too.

Hey, Mickey... You making all that noise?


Hm. This is getting ridiculous. That briefing was fucked. It's put me right on edge.

Control, respond.

"We heard it, Russ. 'Mickey'?"

Had to call it something.

"You alright?"

Should be fine, just needed some fresh a-


...Control, did you get that?

"We got static. just a low hum."

It was an animal...


No. Moose, here? Wrong country.

"Then a wolf, or a bear?"

That's what I heard, and more. It was a cry alright, not just a bear or wolf.

"What did it sound like, we can get the-"

Nothing. It was just ...howling.

"Sit tight. The second group are enroute to the location."

How long?

"...2 hours."


"Just be prepared."

Yeah. Right.

Prepared. Sure. I've got a pump action and a crap ton of shells. If all else fails, I can... Fuck.

This is insane.



Okay! Done! I'm getting out of here.



"Russell? Where are you going?!"

Away, I heard it again, from behind me! Right fucking there!

"Meet with the second team."

Fuck that! Get the second team out of there!

"WE can deal with it."

No! It was huge!

"You saw it?"

In my rear view. Just for a second. It was a giant!


I swear it had 4 arms! Just from the shape!

"Calm down, Russ. You're talking crap."

This isn't some fish tale! Fuck this shit!

"Russ?! Russell!-"


After report: Company car later found 34 miles from last known location. Ammunition gone, ordinance gone, radio destroyed. James, Russell missing, presumed AWOL/Dead.

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