Wednesday 16 December 2009

Once More Into the Shadows, We Find a Young Man Crying.

Haah... Huh...

Fucking... God!

I can't take this... It's too much.

Too soon.


Whatever happened to me? To my life?

Fuck my life!


All it was... It was that girl... And the guy.

They did this to me...


I was... I was happy.



Hm? Excuse me?

You're Adrian?

Yes. Who are you?

I'm Mallory. I'm sorry, I've only heard about you from Kendra.

Oh! You're one of her friends?


Pleasure to meet you then... But I've got to ask...


If you've only heard about me, how did you know who I was?

...A fair point. I've seen some pictures.

Ah. So how do you know her?

Mind if I sit down?

Oh, god, yes. Of course, sorry.

Nah, it doesn't matter. I did kind of startle you. And to answer your question, we're friends through work.


Do you know much about what she does?

No actually... I asked her a few times before and she glazed over the question.

I see. Would you like to know?


She's in personel relations.

...Which is?

A manager, basically.

Ah. Sorry, again... But why are you telling me all this?

Well... In her line of work... Our line. There are some... Risks.


Well... Getting shot at. A lot.

...Am I being punked?

No. I'm sorry. She's missing and we wondered if you knew where she was. Last I saw of her personally was her taking a bullet to the chest.

...You what?

Did she say anything to you? Has she been in contact with you?

I think I have to go...

[I wouldn't do that, sir.]

Max, stand down.

Who the hell are-

[I am Max. Do not be alarmed. I currently have a silenced pistol aimed at the lower portion of your spine]


You heard him. All we want to know is if Kenda Jerode has been in contact with you in the past week.

Jerode? Her name was Hall!

To you, maybe.

And no as a matter of fact, she hasn't.


[We must go]

You realise as soon as you go... I'm calling the police.

[And you will be arrested for wasting police time. Mallory]

Right. Goodbye Adrian. You won't see us again.



Those two...

My life...

I'm going to get to the bottom of this. Just you wait.

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