Sunday 13 December 2009



Good God! What are you doing, Joyce?

Nothing... Just me and my harmonica.

Well... Stop it... It's scaring the birds...

We don't have any birds...

I mean the pidgeons on the roof... When they get scared, things turn white and yellow.

Oh. Well, I have to practice. I have a concert on Friday.

A concert?! Where?!

Leonard's coffee place. He's doing an open music and poetry night.

But you can't play a damn thing!

Playing something doesn't make it music, Don. You can make noise and it could be a song of the soul.

Eddie... Have you been sniffing glue again?

No! I've just been out with some people that Leonard knows from University...

Students... that frequent a coffee shop...

Yeah. What's wrong with that?


For god's sake...

They. Are. Hipsters! You're too easily swayed by the wrong people!

They're a good bunch of people!

What are their names?!

...Cody, Zach, Miriam and Cassie.

Which one do you like?


She hot?

I like her for her mind...

Give me your phone.


Fine, I'm going to check your facebook!



Yes... She's smoking hot. But smart too.

I get it.

They're going to help me practice, and we're going to put together a group. Cassie plays bass, and Zach can drum pretty well.


And we'll make records out of Cody's studio. It's in his van... But it's all good.

Get in your box, Edward Joyce.


Get. In. Your. Box.

...Can I take the harmonica?

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