Saturday 5 December 2009

Following the River...

The Rat and Mole was nice...


Nothing changes... Every year we go in there and it's the same old faces behind and at the bar.

True... But that isn't a bad thing is it?

No! Not at all...


And now, this. This was a good idea, babe.

I do try, love. I love boating, and I'm surprised we've never done this before...

And what a day to do it. Perfect. Sunny blue skies...


Shame Angus could join us... Wonder what was wrong...

Yes... He sounded quite far gone.

How do you mean?

Just sounded off, that's all.

Ah. Don't think it's *The* flu, do you?

Nah... He's too careful.

You think?

I've known him all my life... He's a stickler for hospital corners and the like...

Ah. Strange.

What is?

Why is he going out with Gerogie then?

Cause she's the opposite - you know how that is. Magnetic.

True... Though we're not like that...

That IS true...


Where has the time gone?

Is it late?

No... I meant between us. It seems like yesterday when we met...

Heh. I remember it too.

We've just... flown along.

Flown? As in flying?


What makes you say that?

I know, Tom.

...About what?

I saw you.

...I'm not going to be able to get out of this one, am I?

Not unless you fly.

Keep your voice down.

Or what?

...Alright, yes. I can fly, what of it?

Nothing... Just you kept such a HUGE FUCKING SECRET from me!

I'm not proud of it...

Why not? Isn't it wonderful?

No! It's a means to an end! I get sick from the rush of adrenalin and oxygen! I get bugs in my eyes! I-



Get some goggles, silly.

Ones that DON'T crack for atmospheric pressure? Those are expensive...

Then don't fly so high!

And risk being seen? Do you know what people would do to me?

Well... No.

Exactly. I'm sorry I kept it from you but it was for both of our sakes.


And I suppose you've been honest with me?




Ah?! I sense hesitation.

Well... We have to have some secrets, and being able to fly isn't even on the level of what I keep from you.

Quid pro quo.

I don't have anything even like-


...I like being spanked.

I know that one...

Fine! ...I once gave a blowjob to a 32 year old man.

That's not so... How old were you?


Ah... Alright, we're even.

Aren't you-

Nope. I'm not even going to ask. Asking questions leads to answers I don't need to hear.



Here comes the dock.

Hm. We should-


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