Saturday 19 December 2009


You ever think-

I try not to.

...You ever think that there's more out there than this?

Of course there is, I've seen it.

You have?

Sure. I've been across the oceans and under the earth.

What about the sky?

Of course. You can't go under and across without going up at some points.

What's it like out there?

Eh. Not too different to how it is here. Just a bit less colourful and a lot more dangerous.

Dangerous? How?

There were monsters, giants, and all sorts out there. That was ages ago though... I, uh, can't say if they're there now.

Like what?

The Goroblatt. That's what I called it. It was a huge bat, with a hundred horns, and instead of legs, it had a blob.

Wow... Then how did it fly?

Oh... It took a bit to get off the ground... But when it got up there, the blob sort of went stiff and turned into a spike.

Huh. Sounds... weird.

It was. I was lucky it missed me.

What else? What about the ocean?

Millions of fish. All sorts of different colours. Even some I'd never seen before.

What else?

I discovered an island, and a whole tribe of green and black people. I taught them how to read, speak our language, and I gave them Faith in each other.

And what did they give you?

They helped me build a ship, and they gave me food, shelter, cause, y'know - I was their god for a while and all that...

Hm. And the sky?

Outside of the horizon, there are men who fly in huge iron birds - Giant condors, Massive crows, and one even had a loud hummingbird that ran on garbage.


Yup. It's a wild and wonderful world out there, Sammo. We just have to get away from it all occasionally.

How did you get out in the first place?

Uh... It was long ago... I don't fully remember.

Oh... And why did you come back?

I... I don't know...

Because, well... This isn't a nice place, Demma. You know it, I know it. This is...

Yes, well. Even a prison can be home to people like us...

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