Tuesday 8 December 2009

Entry 16. Cardinal, TX. "Skipper".


I talked to Candice Starr (Real name: Candice Staroski) about the "Incident" In '87.

She looked tired. Worn down and out. We sat in the back room of "The Free Letter Word", the club that promises "The cheapest action in Cardinal, TX!".

CS: As soon as you said about the diner... I knew what you wanted. Plus, you don't look like the type of guy who normally comes in here.

FV: I try. Now, for the record, how old were you back then?

CS: It's rude to ask a lady her age... But since this is for the "You know who", I was 28.

FV: You don't look a day over 35.

CS: Flatterer...

FV: No, I'm serious. You really don't.

CS: Oh. Hm. You're right of course. We all changed that night.

FV: You're still in contact with the others?

CS: Oh yeah... I talk with Joanie and Kal a lot, by phone. Sometimes Jerry pays a visit...

FV: Jerry Holland? The changing man?

CS: Is that what you call him? ...I call him slime. Always comes in here, oozing with sweat, asking to spend some "Quality time" with me. He has to pay like every other guy, I always tell him... Poor schmoe never has any money though.

FV: And what about Joan and Kaleb?

CS: They live in Maine. Quiet little place. If I ever get out of this town, I'm going there.

FV: What's stopping you?

CS: I'm good at what I do. Harry, my boss hasn't realised yet that I've been here for 32 years. Not the type of guy to look over records too often... Or file his taxes correctly. Can we... Uh... "Strike that from the record"? I don't want him to get in trouble...

FV: We have no relation to the IRS, Candice. He's not going to be in any trouble.

CS: Good. That's a relief.

FV: Did the other two... Develop, as you and Jerry did?

CS: You mean did weird shit come out of them too? Yeah... They went through it, we all did, so they said. 

FV: I meant the after effects of exposure.

CS: Oh, right. Sorry Hon'. You didn't ask them yourself?

FV: They weren't... Open with the information. They just said "Yes." and left it at that.

CS: Hell, If I'd have known that, I'd have been more careful.

FV: It's noticeable on you. I'd be an idiot not to see it.

CS: Hmph. Well, yes they did get... aftereffects. Joanie can read minds if she touches you. Kaleb... Well, I'm not sure about him.

FV: I see. 

CS: I've got a theory though.

FV: Go on.

CS: It's... Personal. I can't think of the word. Like depending on who you were at the time and all that shit... 

FV: Subjective?

CS: Yes! That's it. Subjective. Like Jerry was a con-man, still is from what I can see. Always pretending to be someone he wasn't.

FV: I see.

CS: And Joanie? Well, before she was trying to see why her boyfrie-

FV: What about you?

CS: ...Me?

FV: Sorry to interrupt. I need to keep this about you.

CS: Nobody ever cared enough to hear my story...

FV: Just the particulars, please.

CS: ...I wanted to live forever. Be worshipped. Be loved. I wanted to be an actress, I stopped at the diner to call my "Agent" and tell him I was on the way down to California for an audition.

FV: And it happened.

CS: Yeah... Of course, that isn't when it happened.

FV: Sorry?

CS: The sleezeball agent? He told me the audition was in "Silicon Valley".

FV: ...

CS: Oh boy. It's the name for the then small porn company. Now it's a huge place, hence the name.

FV: I see...

CS: I didn't want to be that kind of actress. I wanted to be in movies. I went out to my car and cried... And there he was...

FV: Who?

CS: Sam.

FV: Sam?

CS: Sam... Sam Albright. Slip of a boy. Just 18, so he said. He asked what was wrong and... We talked and... You know...

FV: I can guess.

CS: He was wonderful... Not a virgin by any stretch of the word. He knew how to treat a lady...

FV: Did it happen after that?

CS: During... 

FV: ...

CS: All we saw were the bright lights and the smell of burning rubber and wood. When I woke up... I was in the hospital, and Sam was gone. 

FV: He isn't on my list.

CS: But you know about us... What we can do and how we know each other.

FV: Yes. A dozen minds pushed together for god knows what reason and put back.

CS: I can feel him... Just now and then. He blinks onto the map and gone again before I can figure out where to turn.

FV: I see... 

CS: But he'd never find me again. I'm too old now... No matter how I look. And he wasn't the type of guy to come here either...

FV: Then why stay?

CS: It's all I know. And I'm useful to Harry. I can't get pregnant.

FV: We got reports of sterility from the others, some of them at least. It's not normal but... I'm sorry.

CS: No... I can't be pregnant... I have been for years now. Must be around... 3 months, if I've worked it out right.

FV: ...That's... That's incredible.

CS: Mhm... That's our child in here... Mine and Sam's. We made a miracle... When it felt like the end of the world.

I left after that. Candice is good at what she does. But for how much longer?

And this "Sam" - skipping all over the world... I'll have to remember him.

And I'll have to look after his baby. The baby AND Candice of course. Requesting a welfare check to come out of the Marrow Fund. God knows she needs all the help she can get.

End Log.

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