Friday 5 February 2010


The Ontoroph is a huge, stag like creature that inhabits dark areas, especially wooded sectors and areas with running water.

The Black Forest can be considered such a place where it may be found, as it is generally a european animal.

As cubs, they are around 6 feet in height, able to leap to double that in order to reach vegetation and to avoid hunters/escape natural pitfalls.

The adults, are around 12-16 feet in height, though females are generally smaller. Their complete jump height has never been truly defined, as their leg strength and supernatural agillity makes it impossible for people to even see them, let alone catch and/or tag them. Set, hidden cameras and rare human contact has lead to the evidence we provide here.

The antlers are a twisting mess that begin to grow in adolesence. Yet, they grow almost symetrically. As adults, they are gnarled and sharp, for combat and to attract a mate, like real Stags and other horned animals.

Many folk legends surround the Ontoroph. One says that they were the personal hunting prey of the Slavic Gods, until a breeding pair escaped into the wild underbrush where even the Gods were unable to follow.

Another says their blood was able to cure mortal wounds. Ground up Onto antlers were supposed to be able to make the living dead and gravely ill sleep once again.

Are we to believe that any truly exist today?

If we view the Transtly Tape: We see some ...Thing, move within the tangled trees of Sherbein Forest, a place where the beasts were said to be vibrant. It moves slowly, deliberately. We then view the lens upon the camera shake, and we hear a gutteral roar...

A predator for a mythical cryptozoological being?

It isn't uncommon... the Grana were huge worms that fed upon the Turkish Lamassu. The Roc of Native American legend were hunted by the Mist Wolves, the Noraa.

So, what we may see is a huge carnivorus entity, capable of digesting an entire Onto, horns and all.

I suggest a study of the area for any huge indicators. A cordon and a step by step search.

PAPER O: Dr. Cameron Maddy.

Request DENIED.

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