Friday 12 February 2010

Like a Nerf Gun in a Nuclear War.

The individual in a time of war is useless in comparison to the unified opposition. The individual must be prepared for the three inevitable fates of his kind:
1 - To surrender: Become the opposition, forsake his pride.
2 - To fight and to die with grit and determination.
3 - Forsake his pride as the individual and become a part of the unified resistance.

One exception are those of the Odinistic variety - The Individual who forsakes all 3 options and trancends his position to become a hero, a tyrant or a conqueror.

The Odinists who then unify as a resistant front become the winners of war. That is another inevitability of war.

Those who win the war, define the laws of justice and the power available to the people.

The Odinist also define what the people can take, even after the war and laws have ended and been defined.

-- Czao Meng, lore and laws of war, 5th transcript.

I don't trust Commander Fries...

Why not?

He's too damn confident, Max! He talk about all of this like he's seen it so many times before!

Well, have you even seen him out there? He's a clear veteran of war, the way he acts and moves. It's not just ego or bravado, Uri. He's a true leader.

I know... But something about him gives me the creeps... Do you even look closely at him when he's out there? When he's waving that sword of his around?

Well, I see him from the back...

Sure, leader on the front line... But look into his eyes and you'll see what I see... He's a shark, a pure predator. His eyes are dead... They're rolled up into his head.

A berzerker rage?

No... Yes... It's that and something more...


He's... He's more than any of us... He teaches us to be like him, instead of letting us find our own way. We imitate him, but we're nowhere close... Hence why I have this.

Uri... A trench-knife? We're meant to use the broadswords!

Exactly! Are you or anyone else even good with that damn thing?!

Well, I...

Watch this.

*Schick! Swoosh! Swash! Chang!!*

Impressive... Could you teach me?

That's the point I'm trying to make! I'm not going to teach you because you may not be good with it! You may be as good with a staff! Or a crossbow! A rifle, or harmonica!

...I see. I... I think I'd like to try without anything... Unarmed combat.

There you go! You could be much stronger! So much stronger! Everyone could! If they just tried their own forms of combat, stopped following Fries like puppet soldiers...

I'm going to go and find something usable on the net... See you later!

Goodbye, Max.


He's an excitable one...

Oh... Commander.


What's this, sir?

A book. I think you'd enjoy it. I see potential in you. Not as anything other than your own person.

Sir? You think the same way?

Yes... But these people... Understand this, Larman... They're just conscripts. Clay, incaple of being truly shaped. Too dull to stand out. In you, I see faults, and bubbles, and a shape like no other. Some need molding to be confident, and instruction to stand and fight. Men like you and I? We lead. We are those who are written about in the history books. The heroes of war.

...I see. Is that what this book is about?

You got that much from the title? You have intuition and sense...

I also don't like to be overly-flattered...

Haha... I understand. I'll leave you to your reading. Have it back to me as soon as you finish. I'd like to get your opinion on the highlighted sections...

And if I agree with you? I assume that's what you want.

I'll introduce you to some of my friends... Other individuals, above the rest.

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