Sunday 23 August 2009

To the holder of this letter.

My commendations,

If you are reading this letter, you have found my withered corpse. To have even gotten this far is a feat within itself. I thought I had hidden myself all too well.

Did you like the stained glass? I drained a certain percentage of my accounts to have one made in the form of the lamassu and phoenix. You obviously found the hidden creature.

The physical pitfalls were Crown's idea. A test of courage and violent intent. Poor man, he was half mad by the time of my writing this letter. As I look at him now he jibbers about the darkness.

Yes, the darkness. Those beings in the library, sealed in the walls. I do hope you didn't let them out. Though I know if you're reading this then it's already too late.

The secret of Tyne manor is this. The music room is the door. Play the requiem left in the garden, upon the belt of the statue of Orion.

The question now remains, why leave such an elaborate scheme to hide the weapon of the light? It would be perfect to use against the living shadows. The reason is 2 fold;

1 - The weapon is too dangerous for mortals to wield. No Man or woman born of this earth can wield it without dire consequences.

2 - If the agents of the darkness are able to get their claws on it, we are doomed.

The cries from the manor are growing... Even in the sanctum I hear them. The spirits of Tyne-born all through the past are in pain. It's all my fault, I couldn't lave well enough alone...

My father, John-Herrod Tyne was the one to bring the tablets of heaven into our home. He placed us on the edge of despair. I pushed us into the dark waters below.

I translated them. It was my life's work - My magnum opus. I truly doomed us all.

My advice to you is this. Play the requiem. I cannot say more for fear of the enemy finding me first. I pray that is not the case.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Lady Edna Tyne.

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