Friday 28 August 2009

Prophetic visions never show what happens at the end.

Got to find a pen. Paper.

Got to write it down.

Another one. So soon.

Didn't get one since March.

Now I get two in a week? That's no coincidence.

Something bad's going down.



Man in a white suit? No... just the jacket. He has jeans on.

White jacket, blue jeans, red tie... Was that all?

So he's an American.

Dark lands... he's barefoot in a dark land...

Reaching out... beckoning...

Beckoning to me?

He's smiling.

Not good.

Barefoot on unholy ground and he's fucking grinning from ear to ear.

This isn't good at all.

I remember walking towards him...


A blinding light... Dragon's fire... An unstable woman...

The smell of... Burnt pork?

...Burnt Flesh.

Oh god. The dragon is burning the dark land.

I'm burning...

The pain!


That's all I remember...

It was just me in the dark land last time.

Me... and the shadow. The beast that roared like thunder.

The skeletal titan.

A memory?

A memory of what comes after?

My god! I've been seeing it backwards!

Every vision..It's had little things in it for my future... But it's all been a part of a grand design!

...This could be the end of the world...

...And I can't do a thing...

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