Wednesday 19 August 2009

Invitation sounds a lot like Initiation.

I must admit, the idea of starting a blog has gone through my mind many times. So why start one now?

Convenience I guess. I have the free time, and all I need to do is move my arms and lower attached apendages.

You see, Dear Reader, I'm a person ruled by Sloth. It's my most defining sin. But you'll learn a lot more about me in time.

So, why the pretentious name? Simple answer - I'm a person who values their intellect. I look out at the people in the street, on the T.V., and in history and pity them. Yes, pity - It's not a pretty term or colour in which to paint myself, but it's true. I see the people feeding off of the milk of ignorance - Worshipping false idols, placed upon the pedistal by shadowy puppetmasters. They laugh when there is no cause to do so, and at things that aren't funny, and they look oddly at me when I succumb to my schadenfreude and actually show some emotion to something I see as ironic or apt for the situation.

I don't want to fire all my bullets yet, gentle reader...

The name is simply me - stood upon the cliffs of destiny. Take that how you like...

I hope we can get to know each other over this time, it is said that through discourse we may learn, and grow.

See you soon.

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