Friday 21 August 2009

Greg and Donna, Newlyweds - Feng-suei

Donna... I've just realised an inherent flaw in this whole feng-suei thing...


Well, you say you need a divining crystal to know where to put everything?


...What you have there is a christmas decoration.

Yeah... Well, it's the first thing I had to hand.

It's June!

...I like to keep a few things around the house, off season, y'know?

Off season?! The birth of Christ has never occured in June to my knowledge!

Jesus, Greg...


If I'd known you were so religious I wouldn't have brought the goat!

...What goat?

The one to balance the house's chi.

Chi... *Scratches head* I thought only living beings could have chi?

No, our chi rubs off on our house. What we do adds positive or negative chi to the atmosphere.

Can't you just open a window?

No, it has to be actions, you can't just air it out.

Actions, eh... So, the question remains, why the goat?

To slaughter.

...Satanists do that, Don.



Oh. Well, that what it says on the website.

I think we need to get parental controls on that thing...

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