Wednesday 26 August 2009

The Blacksmith God.

I can't see this going well.

The Doc said the fitting would be enough.

So what's up?

Only word I picked up on was "Macro".

Big. What's big? I'm an average man.

Never been in this room before. Looks ancient.


Macrocrypteia? What the hell does... Oh, just a new unit? Fine... Had me worried there for a second.

Ok, so a Crypteia is some old word for military police? So the big part must mean theres a lot of us. Fair enough.

I'm the commander?! I'm not... I... I'm flattered, really, but I'm nothing special.

My blood type? Well, it's AB-, and sure, that's unusual, but...

Ack! What the hell did you just... Uorgh... I... *HORK*

Nanite infusion? What are you going to do to me?

Better? Like the 6 million dollar man? Or like "Master race" better?!

Programming? Conditioning?! You're gonna brainwa... Oh.

To prevent brain washing? And it's gonna make me stronger?


You could have told me.


Bess? B.E.S. Bionic Exo-Skeleton? These'll let me control a machine?

Armour? I thought we didn't have the tech to do that?

...I've been jabbed with tiny robots that can make me a superhero, and I'm asking about armour?

This is so much to take in...

I just need to...



Strap Captain Vincent into the Hephestus B.E.S.

Basic training begins when he wakes up. Begin uploading the contol codes and reflexive programs now.

I feel as if I'm witness to the birth of a new age. An age of military might.

From this spot I shall build my new Olympus.

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